weblog about out of body experiences and lucid dreams

Friday, July 29, 2005

Out of the body experience March 2003

This experience took place in march 2003.
For the first time since a long time I’ve had an OBE. So it’s not accurate that you don’t have those experiences when your health is not in good condition. I was not feeling well at that time. But I slipped out my body after a short while of hearing that typical buzzing noise. And I arrived in a lovely light environment, I was sitting in a big shell. The shell was made of little shells and sandstone. The rest of the vicinity was also cute with round houses, made from pebbles. They looked like “Fred Flinstone” cottages. It was a lovely experience, but it didn’t last very long. During the experience I heard my partner Theo snoring! At a certain moment I heard someone sniffling right next to me and I was scared for a moment, but then I realized that it was probably my own body that produced that sound! Immediately after that I slipped into my awkward body again. What attracted my attention was that the atmosphere was so light and cosy and I didn’t feel any pain. In the experiences that I had before it used to be a bit dusky and sometimes pitch-dark.


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