weblog about out of body experiences and lucid dreams

Saturday, July 30, 2005

The first Out of the Body Experience

The first time I ever had an Out of the Body Experience, I didn’t know what was going on with me. I had read some subjects about this stuff, but it was not enough to imagine how it really felt like. It happened somewhere in (I think) 1993. My father in law was very sick and I knew he was dying. Maybe that was the cause of my sensitivity for changing atmospheres. One night I woke up because I heard a buzzing and swirling sound in my head, it was a kind of a metallic sound. People who have seen the film “Contact” with Jody Foster will know what I mean. In that film there is a scene when Jody Foster receives signals from a strange and far away milky way. And that sounds exactly the same. I saw this movie for the first time in 2003 on television and the OBE took place 10 years before. But I was astonished to hear the sound. I recognized it as the sound in my OBE. Maybe someone of the crew who made this film has had an OBE himselve, because it was so realistic.
Anyhow, I woke up from that sound and I was irritated, because someone had disturbed me in my sleep (I thought). What kind of an idiot could it be? To my surprise I felt suddenly that my legs were torn up, I even felt the blanket sliding away. A few seconds later I found myselve facing three humanoids. They looked strange like big gleamy plastic dolls with faces like masks and the size of a normal human being. One of them showed me something creepy, a hand with a ring on its vinger. And the vinger with the ring missed the top, it was also bleeding. Right after that I was back in my body again and very confused about what happened. One of my friends said that it could be a symbol for ending my marriage (that happened indeed a few years later). That same night I had another OBE, but I didn’t realize it at the moment. I thought that I had woken up from my sleep and I saw my daughter sleeping next to me on my left side, but that couldn’t be true, because I was sleeping on the left side of the bed, so I think it was my own body and I had seen it from another angle: from my astral body. Because it was rather dark in the room you can easily make a mistake in recognizing someone. I think that is the reason.

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