weblog about out of body experiences and lucid dreams

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Lucid dreams in my childhood

My first lucid dream happened many years ago. I consider a lucid dream not as an out of the body experience, however it has a lot in common. I was a little child at the age of 3 and I can remember the dream so clearly even after all these years. At that time we lived in Hilversum, a city somewhere in the middle of Holland. We lived in a boarding house together with other families. That boarding house was arranged by the Dutch Government, especially for those who were repatriated back to Holland, after Indonesia had become an independant state. Anyhow, I was 3 years old and one night I woke up in my dream and saw the whole room full of animals. There were deers, horses, rabbits, mice! I was very affraid, even though it seemed that they want to do me no harm. But as I was a little child, those animals seemed so big! The room was kind of dim and that made it spooky. I have always remembered all the details of that dream.

Another lucid dream took place several years later. I was about 6 years old and I dreamt that I was walking through our village in a street with some shops. Suddenly I knew that I was dreaming and I wanted to test something. I entered the jewellery and on the counter I saw a lovely little sculpture made of glass. It was a little elephant and it had a light blue colour. I took it from the counter and I ran outside. I thought that I could do that because it was a dream and not real. I expected to wake up after I did that, but I did not wake up. In stead I was in an alley and a very big mouse (the size of myselve, maybe even bigger!) obstructed my path! That was quit scary and I promised myselve never to steal something, not even in my dreams!

The first Out of the Body Experience

The first time I ever had an Out of the Body Experience, I didn’t know what was going on with me. I had read some subjects about this stuff, but it was not enough to imagine how it really felt like. It happened somewhere in (I think) 1993. My father in law was very sick and I knew he was dying. Maybe that was the cause of my sensitivity for changing atmospheres. One night I woke up because I heard a buzzing and swirling sound in my head, it was a kind of a metallic sound. People who have seen the film “Contact” with Jody Foster will know what I mean. In that film there is a scene when Jody Foster receives signals from a strange and far away milky way. And that sounds exactly the same. I saw this movie for the first time in 2003 on television and the OBE took place 10 years before. But I was astonished to hear the sound. I recognized it as the sound in my OBE. Maybe someone of the crew who made this film has had an OBE himselve, because it was so realistic.
Anyhow, I woke up from that sound and I was irritated, because someone had disturbed me in my sleep (I thought). What kind of an idiot could it be? To my surprise I felt suddenly that my legs were torn up, I even felt the blanket sliding away. A few seconds later I found myselve facing three humanoids. They looked strange like big gleamy plastic dolls with faces like masks and the size of a normal human being. One of them showed me something creepy, a hand with a ring on its vinger. And the vinger with the ring missed the top, it was also bleeding. Right after that I was back in my body again and very confused about what happened. One of my friends said that it could be a symbol for ending my marriage (that happened indeed a few years later). That same night I had another OBE, but I didn’t realize it at the moment. I thought that I had woken up from my sleep and I saw my daughter sleeping next to me on my left side, but that couldn’t be true, because I was sleeping on the left side of the bed, so I think it was my own body and I had seen it from another angle: from my astral body. Because it was rather dark in the room you can easily make a mistake in recognizing someone. I think that is the reason.

click on the picture for a large size

Friday, July 29, 2005

An astral journey in 1997

This OBE took place in a period when I had a lot of stress. The year before I divorced my partner and I lived on my own with my two kids, who were 16 and 14 years old at the time. One morning I fell down the stairs as I described in one of my former columns: "a very remarkable lucid dream". Later that week heard the well known sound of a coming OBE and I slipped out of my body. I felt that I was in the bedroom, but I didn’t want to open my eyes, because I was affraid that the OBE would stop (that happens sometimes). Then I felt my astral body moving to the bedroom door. I reached out my hand and felt the door as a massive matter! I tried to go through the door and it worked. I felt a kind of a resistance, but it worked. After that I found myselve on top of the stairs, but I didn’t dare to move downstairs, as in my perception I was only my head and I had no legs or arms that I could use. At that moment I didn’t realize that you don’t need your body and I still had the little accident in my mind. So I went to the bathroom and worked myselve through the window. (This was not very logic, because the bathroom was also on the second floor!) Going through the window was even stranger than going through the door. It was as if I was as tiny as a microbe and the glass was very thick, it looked like a marble with bubbles in it. When I was outside, I didn’t recognize the street, I was somewhere else and it was raining and a bit cold. I flew higher and a a few moments later I was back in my body again.

Out of the body experience March 2003

This experience took place in march 2003.
For the first time since a long time I’ve had an OBE. So it’s not accurate that you don’t have those experiences when your health is not in good condition. I was not feeling well at that time. But I slipped out my body after a short while of hearing that typical buzzing noise. And I arrived in a lovely light environment, I was sitting in a big shell. The shell was made of little shells and sandstone. The rest of the vicinity was also cute with round houses, made from pebbles. They looked like “Fred Flinstone” cottages. It was a lovely experience, but it didn’t last very long. During the experience I heard my partner Theo snoring! At a certain moment I heard someone sniffling right next to me and I was scared for a moment, but then I realized that it was probably my own body that produced that sound! Immediately after that I slipped into my awkward body again. What attracted my attention was that the atmosphere was so light and cosy and I didn’t feel any pain. In the experiences that I had before it used to be a bit dusky and sometimes pitch-dark.

Friday, July 08, 2005

The lucid dream with the cave

One night I woke up in my dream and I found myselve somewhere outside climbing a hill. I was together with some other people who were trying to climb the hill on the other side. Suddenly I was in a cave, made from clay. In the centre of it was a little altar, also made out of clay. It looked like a temple without doors or windows. I felt locked up and I panicked a little bit. Then I pushed with my hand against the wall and I was very surprised to find a hole in the wall. In that hole I saw a vision of a beautifull cat. It looked a lot like one of my deceased cats. The cat transformed slowly into a bird and it flew away. I have tried to make a painting of this dream. It is not quit the same, but it looks a lot like what I have seen.

The dream continued and suddenly I was outside, sitting on a piece of a broken wall, that belonged to a ruins. In the distance I saw pieces of what used to be a town, there were broken walls and smoke. A few yards from where I was, some strange looking creatures sat on another wall, staring at me. They looked like demons and some of them came on to me, trying to scare me. Sometimes I was indeed a bit frightened, but every time I knocked one of, it fell down to earth and changed into a very pitifull creature. I have noticed that the confrontation with demons in my dreams is less scary when I stay calm and fearless. They never seem to be the creepy monsters as they appear to me. Maybe this knowledge can help other lucid dreamers. to cope with their nightmares.
I sometimes make digital mandaladrawings of my original paintings. And when I do so, sometimes appear little faces in them. I will show one right here.

click on the image to see the larger version

Monday, July 04, 2005

A very remarkable lucid dream

This lucid dream happened in january 1997. I had a little accident: I fell down the stairs and sprained my foot. My other foot was also hurt, so I could hardly walk. I had to stay home from work for about ten days. The night after my little accident I had a very clear lucid dream. In my dream I was floating a few inches above the ground in a meadow full of long fragrant grass. The smell was lovely, as if it just had been mowed. I noticed that my daughter Linda (who was at the age of almost 17 at that time) was floating right next to me. It felt nice and peacefull. After a while we flew higher and higher and I had my little nephew Marc on my arm. Marc was a little boy of 6 years old, but in my dream he was much smaller, the size of baby. When I woke up I felt kind of happy, I don’t know why.
Later that day I phoned my sister (Marc’s mom) to tell her about my little accident of the previous day. But right after I dialled the number, Marc picked up the phone and before I could say anything, he said:
“Hi aunty Reny. I dreamt about you. I dreamt that you had fallen down the stairs and that we were flying together with Linda and that I was a baby. And that you held me in your arms, because I was so little and you were my mom.”
I was astonished to hear this. When I talked to my sister after Marc had handed her the phone, I told her wat happened and we were both surprised that Marc had the same dream. He couldn’t have know about it, because nobody had told him anything. Even my sister didn’t know about the dream or the accident. What was the meaning of all this? We were in eachothers dream. Or… we were in some kind of a spiritual sphere. My sister said that Marc often had that kind of experiences.
I also asked my daughter Linda if she could remember her dream, but she didn’t.

Out of the body experience june 2004

One of my OBE’s took place while we were on a short vacation in Portugal. For some unknown reason I could hardly sleep that night. Maybe it was the heat, I’m not sure. Around 5 A.M. I felt that whizzling sound that I always hear when an OBE starts. A few moments later I left my body and almost immediately I felt myselve going through the window and moving backwards into strange colorfull world. I saw all kinds of things. Not only heavenly landscapes like most people describe, but quit ordinary stuff like furniture, wallpaper, bedrooms!
While I was floating around, I saw myselve as a young girl at the age of 15, sitting on a sofa, reading a book. That was a real strange experience. Most of the time you look at yourselve in the mirror and that is definitely not the real you. Anyhow, I was touched as I saw myselve sitting there, looking so real, almost as if I could touch the younger me. I remembered that when I was 15, I didn’t consider myselve as an attractive person. I think many adolescents have that problem. But the vision I saw was so pure and that made it all so beautifull.
I left the room and suddenly I was in a bedroom, where my mom and stepfather were laying in bed (they both died several years ago). I was surprised that my stepfather seemed to see me. He reached out for me and called me by my nickname (Reentjepeentje). He looked the same as he used to be in his earlier years. I only missed a piece of his face, his chin was gone. I don’t know why I saw him like that. Just as I wanted to talk to him I saw some strange looking little creatures, nozing around in my moms clothes. I wanted to chase them away, but my stepfather told me they did no harm. After that moment I disappeared in the mirror and I found myselve back in some kind of a theatre, where they were playing an act that reminded me of Alice in Wonderland. After a while I got bored, because one of the actors kept repeating the same sentence over and over again. I wanted to escape and I opened the curtain on stage. While I was moving the curtains aside, suddenly I was outside in the cosmos, moving very fast. I saw billions of stars and I felt the wind against my body. Not much later I was back in my body again.
The strangest thing is, while I was having this OBE, I heard my partner breathing next to me all the time. I even heard him snoring! Another strange thing is when I was floating around in that strange world, there were 3 little bubbles, no bigger than a tennisball, following me. I could even touch them. They gave me a very peacefull feeling.